Monday, September 28, 2009

I was a little embarrassed when I was at church talking about how hard nursing school is, and the person said,"You are smiling really big, you must love it." But then I thought, wow if I can smile through this incredibly tough month, then I must be going into the right profession. I cannot tell you how awesome it feels to be doing something that feels so natural and right. I feel like I will be one of those nurses that loves her job, no matter how taxing and crazy it is.
Today I checked off on urinary catheters. No, it wasn't on a real person, it was on a dummy. But man was it nerve wrecking. There are so many steps to performing it right and on top of trying to maintain a sterile field you have your instructor silently looking over your shoulder the entire time. But, I did great and it was such a relief to get that out of the way. Not too far out of the way though because I was informed by my instructor that she is going to find catheters for me to put in in the hospital. Thanks.
So, clinicals start in two weeks and I'm sure I'll have some interesting experiences to share, of course while maintaining the privacy of the patients, per HIPAA, in case anyone was worried. This is short because I have to read a chapter by tomorrow, although I'd rather just watch House.


  1. OK Lisa, so I have to put that in order to not get in trouble. I could seriously get penalized for disclosing any specific information about any patients so I have to mention HIPAA. Don't laugh!

  2. HAHA, Andrea, i have to follow the same exact rule PER HIPAA @ my job with Phoenix Health Plan!
    but anyway, i am proud of you. im glad you are doing what you feel you were meant to be doing!
